Labor Day Weekend Sale

Labor Day Weekend Sale

Antiseen "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way? b/w Lo-Fi" $11.40
Antiseen "Here To Ruin Your Groove" $32.50
Antiseen "We're # One!" $24.20
Bulls Shitt "This Is... Bulls Shitt" $12.80
Camp Cope "Running With The Hurricane" $16.00 $21.80
COA "Trauma Dump" $11.60
Coalesce "0:12 Second Revolution In Just Listening" $25.60
Coalesce "Functioning On Impatience" $25.60
Coalesce "Give Them Rope" $25.60
Coalesce "OX" $25.60
Coalesce "OXEP" $20.80
Coalesce "There Is Nothing New Under The Sun +" $32.00
Converge "The Dusk In Us: Deluxe Edition" $30.00
Crime In Stereo "House & Trance" $27.85
Cutdown / Never Again "Never Cutdown Again (Split)" $12.80
Dawn Of Orion "A Celestial Ballad"
Out of Stock
Dead Heat "Endless Torment" $22.40
Dmize "Calm Before The Storm b/w Beneath The Cloak" $11.60
Dmize "Zero"
Dmize "Zero"
Dmize "Zero" $11.60
Don't Sleep "See Change" from $26.75
Foreign Pain "Death Of Divinity" $16.00 $21.80
Fury "Resurrection" $24.40
GBH "City Baby's Revenge" $22.50
Grin And Bear It / Musket Hawk / Sidetracked / Ugly "4-Way Split" $15.00 $21.25
Hated "Bad Attitude 1979-1983" $22.50
Heiress "Distant Fires" $15.00 $25.55
Ill Communication "Doomsday Brigade" $12.00 $18.00
Instructor "Terror Zone" $22.40
Jade Dust "Grey Skies" $20.80
Jeff Caudill "Here's Where You Should Try To Be" $22.60
Kill Your Idols "Live At CBGB" $25.55
Killing Pace "s/t" $24.65
Koyo "Would You Miss It?" from $27.85
Laid 2 Rest "Greatest Hits" $27.05
LANNDS "Lotus Deluxe" $16.00 $21.80
Lenny Lashley's Gang Of One "Five Great Egrets" $13.00 $18.40
Live It Down "Thy Kingdom Come" $12.80
Loma Prieta "Last" $26.25
Loyal To The Grave "Rectitude" $18.75
Mad Honey "Satellite Aphrodite" $26.25
Malignant Methods "Family Ties" $6.00 $10.35
Move "Black Radical Love" from $23.00
Mustard Plug "Yellow #5" $22.40
Nervous Light Of Sunday "Personality Formation" $26.55
Never Ending Game "Outcry" $18.00 $25.60
No Turning Back "Conquer" $23.20
Nuclae "Bringing Out The Beast" $23.65
Off With Their Heads "All Things Move Toward Their End." $16.00
On The Might Of Princes "Sirens (Color Vinyl)" $25.20
Pelican "The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw: Deluxe Edition" $34.00
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